Sunday, January 31, 2016

Food Web and Energy Pyramid

A food web is a diagram that shows the flow of energy within a certain ecosystem. This is an example of a food web of a few organisms in the tropical rainforest. It starts withe the producers: The orchids, seeds, banana, cocoanut, and bamboo trees. Then it moves to the next trophic level which are the primary consumers: the macaws, fruit bats, monkeys, and grasshoppers. Next are the secondary consumers: The vampire bats, iguanas, and frogs. Lastly there are the terry consumers: the python, and the jaguar. An energy pyramid is a diagram in the shape of a pyramid that shows the loss of 90% of the original energy as you move up the food chain. This is an example of an energy pyramid:

(and yes i did draw this using Microsoft paint)

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